Papuan Militry |
Since [8/7], Palestine and Israel clashed openly. Both countries were fired. The victim was not inevitable. Sympathy for the Palestinians come from all over the world, including Indonesia.
In Indonesia, the demo appears in a variety of areas to condemn Israel. Similarly, there is a contribution of the various components of society for the Palestinian people. Even Indonesia, through the minister of defense Yusgiantoro said it would soon send a peacekeeping force to keep the Palestinian territories. Do not miss the hard-line groups like the FPI also claims it will send troops.
Listening to a variety of news, I was thinking about the actual reality of what happened in Indonesia, especially in Papua. That in Papua, almost every day there are people who die due to various reasons of health (HIV / AIDS, malaria, malnutrition). Many people have become victims of the shooting death of armed groups. Even sometimes, many Papuans, who died at the hands of the military and police, in the name of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
In Indonesia, the demo appears in a variety of areas to condemn Israel. Similarly, there is a contribution of the various components of society for the Palestinian people. Even Indonesia, through the minister of defense Yusgiantoro said it would soon send a peacekeeping force to keep the Palestinian territories. Do not miss the hard-line groups like the FPI also claims it will send troops.
Listening to a variety of news, I was thinking about the actual reality of what happened in Indonesia, especially in Papua. That in Papua, almost every day there are people who die due to various reasons of health (HIV / AIDS, malaria, malnutrition). Many people have become victims of the shooting death of armed groups. Even sometimes, many Papuans, who died at the hands of the military and police, in the name of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
Not only that, many school-age children are neglected and do not receive education as it should be. If you want juxtaposed, the situation in Papua is not less dangerous to Israel's attacks on Palestinians.
But Papua by Indonesia and misery forgotten, even by some officials of the Papuans. Apparently, if the Papuans were dead, it was normal, but if the Palestinians were to die because it was hit by Israeli bullets just remarkable.
If the people of Indonesia and the Indonesian government is so concerned about the Palestinians, why not the same thing for the Papuans?, Why is there discrimination is so deeply among the people of Indonesia Malay race with Papuans are Melanesian race? Maybe for some people, the Papuan problem mediocre.
People just think, that the Papua problem is the issue of money. If the Papuans were given money, that's enough! Indeed, Papua has complex problems. The region has a history. Papua is rich in natural resources and human resources are abundant. But, that's just above wealth, Papuans have a number of thorny issues, like that is difficult to unravel the tangled threads.
Talk about the issue of Palestine and Israel, means talking about human rights. Both countries claim the boundaries of each region and also peace of life.
When one of the two search for the problem, then the war broke out. Suppose, the Hamas militant group killed three Israeli teenagers not viciously, and not firing deadly rockets into Israel, the war would not be happening. There may be other motivations which led to the two warring countries. I do not want to get into that area, because too many people are paying attention.
As an Indonesian citizen, I feel that the shades ness in Papua fading. This situation occurs because the lazy attitude towards the wild cry out Indonesia and suffering of Papuans. Indonesian Papua lazy to know the people! Maybe that's the right term to describe the attitude of the people of Papua Indonesia.
Even the Indonesian authorities, who came from Papua bandwagon too lazy out against each other Papuans. An example is at hand, how hard it woke up the market for women traders in the Papuan city of Jayapura. Not only that, the officials of the Papuan people is often steal money. Corruption is rampant in Papua. This is an ongoing social reality in Papua.
Papua indeed got everything: gold, forests, petroleum, paradise and so on, but Papua less beautiful and less sexy in the eyes of Indonesia. Papua seen as an island of black people, curly, dressed leaves and bark. Papua into the kitchen only to Indonesia.
But strangely, when people want to leave Indonesian Papua, want an independent and sovereign, Indonesia would not respond. Indonesian fear and send a lot of troops and police to kill people who ask for an independent Papua. Indeed, Indonesia is too coward! At this point, I am ashamed to be an Indonesian. Maybe a lot of people too embarrassed to be an Indonesian, which is identical to the terrorists, criminals, plagiarism and various other bad stigma.
Like the old adage: "the elephant in the eyelid does not appear, ants across the sea looks." That Indonesia. The problem in Papua is not finished, every day of the Papuans dead, but it is not allowed. While the Palestinians when Israel battered because of his actions, Indonesian react immediately. For Indonesia, Palestine is worth more than Papua. Sentiment what caused Indonesia to be blind and deaf to the screams of the Papuans? Is the humanity of the Palestinians is more important than the Papuans?
I do not mean to say that Indonesia should close our eyes to the Palestinian-Israeli issue, I just
Indonesia deplores the attitude of the less consistent attention to its own people, but would be busy with other countries. Indonesia needs to wake Indonesian foundation that established, before bragging dealing with other countries. Indonesia needs to pay attention to the welfare of the people first, before sending millions of dollars to the Palestinians. Indonesian solider excessive attitude is less precise. Indonesia needs to organize itself before busy with other countries.
Papua is one of the areas that should be the center of attention in Indonesia. Papuans suffering too much because of laziness out of Indonesia. Indonesia now is the time to direct his gaze to the eastern horizon and begin to build the land and people of Papua. Indonesia needs to wake up Papua with all his heart, not out of necessity or there are other motivations. It takes honesty to build Papua, instead of pretending attitude. If Indonesia still continues to pretend the people of Papua, Papua should let people determine their own fate in the country. Freedom!
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