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06 Oktober 2015

Disclosure of the Foreign Press Can Create Peace in Papua

Jayapura - senior politician from West Papua, Jimmy Demianus Ijie said it should be press for peace in Papua with the news is balanced and contains education for the community. "In early May, President Joko Widodo has open access for foreign journalists to Papua. This proves that the current government wants everyone to think positively and to build mutual trust. That is, the press both local, national and foreign should also openness," he said while in Jayapura, Papua, on Wednesday (7/10).
According to him, with the opening of access for foreign journalists to Papua, the same position as other provinces in Indonesia. It was not separated from the consciousness to establish mutual trust, begins with openness. "Because openness breeds trust and confidence will allow for dialogue that can enable the achievement of reconciliation or conflict resolution. The press demanded not only preach a balanced way but it's good to put forward the principle cover both side," said the PDI-P politician.

04 Februari 2015

Police ban! Sign Papua Gospel Day celebrations and Support Prayer For MSG Applications

KNPB Aktivist
Thursday, January 29, 2015, released a joint electronic interview Unitied Secretary General for West Papua Liberation Movement (ULMWP) or Unity Movement for the Liberation of West Papua, Octovianus Mote.

15 Januari 2015

Penembakan Empat Siswa di Paniai, Dewan Adat Paniai Temui Komisi HAM PBB

Jakarta, Jubi – Lambannya respon pemerintah terhadap insiden penembakan di Paniai yang menewaskan empat siswa mendesak koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Penegakkan HAM di Tanah Papua dan Koalisi #papuaitukita, menemui pihak Komisi HAM PBB yang sedang berada di Jakarta untuk menindaklanjuti rekomendasi Universal Periodic Review (UPR) yang direkomendasikan oleh PBB kepada pemerintah Indonesia.

Pertemuan yang berlangsung sekitar 45 pada hari Kamis (16/1) itu, dihadiri oleh Cees Flinterman (Profesor dari belanda yang juga Anggota Komite HAM PBB yang bertugas memonitor pelaksanaan Kovenan Sipil dan Politik oleh negara-negara yang menandatangani Kovenan tersebut), Victor Rodoriques Resya (Profesor dari Kosta Rika yang menjabat anggota sub komite bidang anti penyiksaan), John Gobay (Ketua Dewan Adat Paniai) dan Victor Mambor (Kordinator Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Penegakkan HAM di Tanah Papua).

11 Desember 2014

Papuan Church Leaders Forum condemns massacre of five civilians in Paniai

Death of 5 Civilians in Paniai Papua
Papua--- Job Forum Ecumenical Churches in Papua (FKGOP) condemned the massacres committed by the army / police, in Enarotali, Paniai, Monday (12/08/2014), killing five civilians.

"We denounce and condemn pembantaiaan conducted military / police in Karel Field Gobay, Paniai," said Chairman of the Fellowship of Baptist Churches in Papua (PGBP), Rev. Socrates Sofyan Yoman, at a press conference in the Hall P3W, Padang Bulan, Abepura District, the city of Jayapura, Papua, this afternoon.

Yoman deeply regrets the events in Enarotali, Paniai that killed five civilians who are high school students (high school) in Enarotali
"The state should be responsible for the tragedy in Paniai, immediately send an independent team to investigate the case, do not continue to make public deception in the media," said Yoman.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Synod of the Church of Papua Kingmi, Rev. Benny Giay, said the government should be able to immediately prove the allegations that mentions the Free Papua Movement (OPM) as perpetrators Shot.
"Do not accuse police of origin, because the weapon used was clearly owned the military and police officers, should be investigated thoroughly, because our church deadly shot with bullets," said Giay.

"We all know that people in Paniai shot dead and the country's official security forces carry weapons is a military / police. So this should be explained, prove it. If it is suspected that the OPM, where is the proof," he said with a tone asked.

Benny also revealed that OPM headquarters in Eduda, Paniai, had scorched the earth's security forces some time ago, so if the accused so not true.

Do not turn back the facts to cover up the crime country, we have often slaughtered by this country, and always civilians accused, this is very embarrassing, "Says Benny,

Rev. Selvia Titihalawa, one of the senior pastor in Papua, said the government should move quickly to said case shooting in Paniai, because shortly before Christmas "I think the dialogue, through custom rack can talk about it.
Many problems in Papua, but not expressed clearly. Paniai problem, the government must act decisively, independent and legal actors, "katanya.Sebelumnya, Monday (12/11/2014), five civilians in Paniai, reportedly shot dead in Gobay Karel Square not far from Koramil Enarotali and Police Paniai east.

AJI Respons

Chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jayapura City, Victor Mambor said, in response to events in Paniai, Papua, security forces do not act professionally because it obscures the fact that happened.
"We journalists do not continue to rely on the information the police, because they are actually Fade information, I see them act very unprofessional," said Mambor, while giving a press conference, accompanied by Chairman of DAP Paniai, Jhon NR Gobay, and Peneas Lokbere of the Human Rights Coalition, tadiVictor afternoon explained,

all reporters from around noon to confirm to the Chief of Police (Police Chief) Paniai, Papua Police and Head of Public Relations, but no definite information.

Therefore, Victor asked reporters not necessarily trust the police sources, because many facts are in turn the reversal in advanced information received at this time.

"I told the police are not professional because they have great resources, but could not get accurate information," said Victor

According to him, it is seen from the maze police and military information received by reporters, thus making public a lot to wonder about certain information.

"The police and army I see less quickly convey information from us, because the traditional council had already been told reporters."
Should not deter journalists to do reporting, so that the public can get a good and correct information, "he said.

Statement KOMNAS HAM

Commissioner of the National Commission on Human Rights Commission, Otto Nur Abdullah, confirmed, owner of a Toyota Rush, which was previously rumored as Fortuner car is owned Commander Special Teams Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI Timsus) from Infantry Battalion (Infantry) 754 / AVT, who served in Paniai .

"We've been able to reports from residents that the owner of a Toyota Rush is the commander of Battalion 753 Nabire Special Teams are currently serving in Paniai," said Otto, while giving a press conference on Thursday (12/11/2014), in the Office of the Democratic Alliance for Papua (ALDP), Padang Bulan, Jayapura, Papua.

"The key to solve this case, including who the perpetrators of the shooting of five civilians there in the car, if indeed members of the military who have, it is definitely the culprit, and needs to be developed by the investigation team," said Otto.

"We also get that mountain called as the origin of the shooting of OPM so far, about 7 kilomoter, so it does not make sense, if Koramil East Paniai located approximately 30 meters from the field where four civilians were shot," he said.
if it is associated with human rights violations in the events in Paniai, according to Otto, must be seen from the indications of torture, then the massive operation, planned and structured by the security forces.

Human Rights Violations
Police Paniai Papua

Requested Jokowi President Responsible for Death of 5 Civilians in Paniai

Executive Director of the Institute of Research, Assessment and Development of Legal Aid (LP3BH) Manokwari, Yan Christian Warinuss, requesting the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, as head of state to be responsible for the deaths of five civilians in Paniai, Papua.

In a press release received, Warinussy asserted, Jokowi should immediately establish Serious Human Rights Violations Investigation Commission (KPP), which is led by the Chairman of the Commission on Human NasionalHak (Komnas HAM) ".

National Human Rights Commission as an institution of the investigation of human rights violations should be investigated and revealed, and bring the perpetrators of gross human rights violations to human rights court in Paniai neutral, independent and fair, "said human rights activist is.

Warinussy also urged the military commander XVII / Cenderawasih, and Papua Police to openly tell anyone of the security forces suspected of involvement in the shooting of civilians.

"The perpetrators of the XVII Military Commander / Chief of Paradise and have to tell anyone who violates its members to undergo a legal process based on Law No. 26 of 2000 on Human Rights Court."

"It's obviously that did the shooting and the massacre of civilians in Paniai are members of the military and police, as it Jokowi must be responsible, and officials should not quibble, including twist facts," he said.

Director of the Institute of Research, Assessment and Development of Legal Aid (LP3BH) Manokwari, Yan Christian Warinussy said, TNI from Battalion Command Post Special Teams 753, in Uwibutu and Police of paramilitary police in Paniai has done serious human rights violations.

In a press release received, Warinussy said, the military and police forces have done a gross human rights violations, and in violation of Article 7 and Article 9 of Law No. 26 of 2000 of the Court of Human Rights (HAM).

"This clearly shows a strong indication that the military forces of the Special Team Battalion Command Post 753 in Uwibutu and Police of paramilitary police in Paniai has done serious human rights violations," said Warinussy, Thursday (12/11/2014)

Warinussy also asserted, gross human rights violations that occurred in Paniai prove to the world that the model is still used security approach in resolving the problems of Papua Indonesia.

Assessed Police Cover Five Facts About the Shooting Civilians in Paniai

Civil Society Coalition Papua, the Regional Indigenous Council of Paniai, Papua Kingmi Synod and Human Rights Network of Women Papua judge, police are covering the real facts occurred in a shooting incident in Paniai, December 8, 2014 and, with the other issues.

Chairman of the Regional Indigenous Council of Paniai, Jhon NR Gobay say, actually apparatus has conducted a brutal action. The actions by almost as large treatment of fugitive criminals or terrorists who threaten the country.

"As long as I lead DAP Paniai region, this is an exceptional treatment. Even crazier, the shooting is conducted on school children. This next generation. It is very brutal, "said Gobay.

Gobay sue the police did not cover up the fact to divert the issue to the issues that are not jelas.Hal Gobay is confirmed to reporters during a press conference at the office of the Democratic Alliance for Papua (ALDP), Tuesday (9/12) in Padang Bulan, Jayapura , Papua.
According Lokbere, so far, related to various cases committed by military / police in Papua have never had a deterrent effect. So brutal actions will they do at any time.

In the same place, Coordinator of the Civil Society Coalition Papua, Victor Mambor say, in this case, since the events to date, the police seem to cover the actual facts.

"So the police deliberately obscure the fact the issues that the police themselves created. Very difficult to get a clear chronological information. It may be that these efforts are being made to eliminate the actual facts, "he said.

According to the Chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists Jayapura City, the police should be more professional in providing information for the benefit of the mass media because the police have adequate information resources.
"In my opinion, Gone are the days police said briefly, still gathering data. Because the fact is, the police can gather information about a person who is suspected of being terrorists.
"We've sent a letter to Jokowi. Contents, first: ask Jokowi military pull from Paniai and all the land of Papua. Second, ask Jokowi to immediately sit down with the people of Papua to talk to existing problems, "said the woman who was familiarly called mama Fin.
State violence situation against civilians in Enarotali, Civil Society Coalition Papua, the Regional Indigenous Council of Paniai, Papua assess Synod Kingmi Human Rights and Women's Employment network Papua requested that; First, President Joko Widodo apologize to the families of the victims, indigenous peoples and people of Papua entirely Paniai


21 November 2014

Indonesia: Free French Reporters Detained in Papua

Two French journalistsThomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat
The Indonesian government should dismiss charges against two French journalists in the easternmost province of Papua and end restrictions on foreign media there, Human Rights Watch said today. Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat face trial on October 20, 2014, on charges of "abusive use of entry visas," after being detained while producing a documentary for Franco-German Arte TV.

The arrest and prosecution of Dandois and Bourrat reflect the Indonesian government's long-standing policy of obstructing independent media coverage in Papua, where a low-level conflict has persisted for decades. Foreign journalists need special official permission to visit the island - which the government rarely approves and often delays processing, hindering reporting on breaking news. Journalists who do get official permission are invariably shadowed by official minders, who strictly control their movements and access to interviewees.

10 November 2014

Mahalnya Harga Perdamaian di Papua

Oleh Fred Benu

Bersamaan dengan Presiden Soekarno mengumumkan Operasi Trikora di Tanah Papua pada 1961, banyak pihak khususnya orang Papua berteriak menuntut konsesi politik akan adanya kemerdekaan bagi Papua. Tuntutan politik ini terus berlanjut sampai Pemerintah Indonesia meresponsnya dengan pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus (Otsus) pada 22 Oktober 2001.

Lahirnya UU ini sedikit mereduksi tuntutan politik sebagian besar orang Papua, walaupun UU ini tetap ditolak oleh sebagian orang Papua. Papua berada di bawah bayang-bayang “hujan berkat” perhatian Pemerintah Pusat dengan pengucuran dana Otsus yang terus meningkat dari sekitar Rp 3, 5 miliar 2001 menjadi Rp 4,5 triliun 2006 dan terakhir tercatat Rp 21 triliun.

05 November 2014

Program Sosial - Ekonomi Fretilin Timor Leste Membangun Gerakan Perjuangan

Sekjen KNPB Ones N S/photolist

Pengorganisasian penduduk di zona libertadas menjadi tanggungjawab pengurus sipil Fretilin. Dengan terjadinya invasi, perhatian utama Fretilin adalah bagaimana melancarkan dan mendukung perlawanan. Xanana Gusmão yang waktu itu adalah salah seorang anggota Komite Sentral Fretilin mengatakan kepada Komisi:

Kita baru melakukan perang dan rakyat ada di antara kita. [Kita membentuk] base de apoio yang konsepnya adalah basis yang berfungsi memberi dukungan logistik dan politik – yang bisa kita katakan revolusi…Komite Sentral Fretilin pada bulan Mei 1976 menerapkan base de apoio. Maka dibentuk enam sektor…Dengan ini telah didefinisikan base de apoio. Telah dibentuk struktur base de apoio. Base de apoio dilaksanakan sebagai mekanisme mengorganisir penduduk agar bisa melanjutkan perang.